Jan 23, 2025
2022-2023 Westminster College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemistry, B.S.
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Chemistry Mission Statement
Consistent with the mission of Westminster College, the mission of the Department of Chemistry is to train and mentor students as responsible scientists and as scientifically literate professionals. Graduates will be prepared for advanced study in graduate or health professional schools, for employment in areas where a strong background in chemistry is needed, or to become a certified chemistry teacher. The Chemistry Department pursues this mission by
- Providing students with a quality comprehensive chemical education in which they can
- gain a greater understanding of the world from a chemistry perspective using the methods of scientific inquiry.
- integrate this understanding with perspectives from other disciplines.
- apply this understanding to personal, professional, and civic life.
- Maintaining a safe working environment through the application of best practices.
- Maintaining a quality facility of diverse expertise committed to excellence in teaching, collaborative research, and service.
- Preparing students to contribute to the field of Chemistry and to the Community at large.
Learning Outcomes: Chemistry Major
- To acquire appropriate discipline specific knowledge spanning the areas of Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, Physical Chemistry as well as appropriate supporting courses.
- To develop skills in modern laboratory methods, instrumentation, and data analysis.
- To develop skills in appropriate research techniques including experimental design, safety, and scientific literacy.
- To critically evaluate and solve relevant problems by applying the knowledge and skills of chemistry.
- To effectively communicate the concepts of chemistry using accepted professional standards and language.
- To demonstrate scientific responsibility, stewardship, and professional ethics as outlined by the American Chemical Society - Chemists Code of Conduct.
The chemistry program is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and designed to meet the standards set forth by the ACS Committee on Professional Training. This approval allows Westminster to offer an ACS certifiable baccalaureate degree that assures our students’ chemical training is current with national trends. Students majoring in chemistry become candidates for the B.S. degree by completing 64 semester hours of required courses. Students may tailor this curriculum to meet their career goals. Career goals include professional chemist, medicine, forensic scientist, secondary education certification and engineering.
The Major in Chemistry
64 semester hours, comprising: Plus, one of the following:
Plus, one of the following:
Plus, at least 4 semester hours from the following:
Plus, 8 hours from the following:
Plus, both of the following:
Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Track:
The chemistry program is approved by the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training. All chemistry graduates can earn an ACS certified degree.
A student who completes three CHE courses and earns a grade lower than a C- in each course before registering for CHE 600 will be identified as not making progress in the major. (Exceptions will be made for students who take medical or personal leave for the semester). Students who are not making progress in the major will not be allowed to continue as a biochemistry or chemistry major.
Students cannot register for CHE 600 (Senior Project) unless their major GPA is above 2.0 and they are making progress in the major.
All junior and senior biochemistry and chemistry majors are required to participate in a weekly seminar.
Honors scholars majoring in biochemistry or chemistry are expected to register for 2 SH of Honors Research in the spring of their junior year (CHE 660 ), 4 SH of Honors Research in the fall of their senior year (CHE 670 ), and 2 SH of Honors Research in the spring of their senior year (CHE 680 ). Additionally, all biochemistry or chemistry honors scholars are required to enroll in CHE 451 , CHE 452 , CHE 601 , and CHE 602 .
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