Jan 23, 2025
2021-2022 Westminster College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Secondary Education Minor
Students who plan to qualify for the secondary school teaching certificate should declare a minor in secondary education during their first year or upon declaring a major. To this end they should consult with the School of Education during their first year. For general academic purposes, students remain under the guidance of the program in which they are majoring.
Secondary certification is offered in:
Secondary Education Composition and Literature Requirement
Six semester hours of English Composition/Literature.
WRI 111 and INQ 111 together meet this requirement.
The Teacher Education Program
Admission to EDU 451 which is offered in the fall semester of the senior year is dependent upon:
- The recommendation of the student’s major program;
- Passing the Basic Skills Assessment or meeting the SAT/ACT score criteria;
- A careful review of the student’s personal qualifications;
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000;
- A minimum GPA of 3.000 in SED 201, EDU 351, 582, ELL 206, and EDU 231;
- A minimum GPA of 3.000 “in the major” and;
- The recommendation of a program screening panel during the spring semester of the junior year.
Continuance in the program is dependent upon maintaining the GPA requirements. Students should complete the specialty area test of the Praxis Series Examination prior to admission to EDU 451 Teaching in Secondary School. Students who have successfully completed EDU 451 and EDU 452 (student teaching) and the Praxis requirements, and have the recommendation of their major program and the School of Education will be recommended for certification to teach in Pennsylvania upon graduation.
NOTE: Student Teacher placements are made by the School of Education. Placements are final and cannot be changed. Transportation is the responsibility of the student teacher.