Jan 15, 2025
2024-2025 Westminster College Catalog
MUS 123P - Aural Skills Practicum 3 Semester Hours: 0
Music Theory 3 Aural Skills Practicum is the third of four semesters of the music theory lab se-quence. Topics to be covered will include: a review of secondary dominants and leading-tone chords, modulations by common chord, other modulatory techniques, mode mixture, the intensification of the predominant with Neapolitan and aug-mented sixth chords, enharmonic spellings and modulations, further elements of the harmonic vocabulary, and a brief introduction to the analysis of musical form. Students will apply their knowledge of these topics by demonstrating their aural skills through melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation, sight-singing, perfor-mance, composition, and improvisation. Students will also continue to use computer assisted instruction in the study of aural skills. Prerequisite: MUS 122. Co-requisite: students must also register for the course MUS 123. Note: A letter grade of at least C- must be attained in MUS 123 (theory and aural skills combined) in order for the course to count toward the music major.