Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Westminster College Catalog 
2023-2024 Westminster College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Requirements for Graduate Study

Applicants must possess academic, personal, and professional qualities deemed acceptable by the Graduate Committee.

All applicants admitted to graduate study must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a preferred undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher. Students with an undergraduate GPA of less than 3.00 may be considered for Provisional Acceptance (see below).

Requirements for admission include submitting a completed application for graduate study, professional references and a Statement of Purpose. The Statement of Purpose should describe why the student wants to pursue graduate work in the chosen discipline; the strengths and competencies that will help the student excel in the graduate program; experiences that have prepared the student to succeed in the graduate program (e.g., relevant work experience); and the personal and professional goals that a graduate degree from Westminster will help you achieve.

An applicant who has a master’s degree or doctorate in education or in a teaching related field from an accredited college or university will be admitted on the basis of the advanced degree by filing the application for graduate study, and copies of all previous college or university transcripts. A completed advanced graduate degree supersedes the undergraduate 3.00 GPA requirement.

The applicant is responsible for filing official undergraduate/graduate transcripts from all colleges/universities attended and an application for admission along with all other required documentation with the Office of Admissions, Westminster College, Remick House, 319 S. Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16172, no later than two weeks before registration.

Conditional Acceptance

Occassionally, students may be accepted to a graduate program conditionally. This occurs when awaiting official transcripts, letters of reference or other documentation required to complete the application process and gain full acceptance to a Westminster graduate program. Students accepted conditionally must meet all requirements for full admission for to continue coursework.

Provisional Acceptance

Provisional graduate students are those who desire to become degree candidates, but do not have the minimum grade point average of 3.00. The chairs of the graduate program to which the student is applying will consult with the Office of Admissions to determine if provisional acceptance is appropriate. The progress of students who are provisionally accepted will be reviewed by the chair of the graduate program after the completion of two Westminster graduate courses. The review may result in a change of enrollment status to regular graduate student if the student earns a grade of “B” or higher in both graduate courses.

Non-degree Coursework

Students may wish to take graduate courses for personal fulfillment and life-long learning, but without an intention to complete a degree program.  A non-degree seeking applicant must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education. Unsuccessful applicants for admission as regular graduate students cannot be considered.

Non-degree students may earn such graduate credit as their qualifications and performance warrant. A non-degree student not maintaining good academic standing automatically forfeits rights to take any additional graduate courses.

Non-degree students may take no more than four courses in the same graduate program without first applying to become a degree-seeking graduate student. Non-degree student status will be noted on the official transcript.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Any Westminster undergraduate who, at the beginning of the final semester of undergraduate study, needs 12 or fewer semester hours to fulfill the requirements for the bachelor’s degree may take one graduate course. The student’s academic advisor and the chair of the graduate program in which the course is offered must approve the arrangement before the student may register for a graduate course. Courses completed at the graduate level my be credited toward a graduate degree and/or toward post-graduate teacher certification requirements. However, a graduate course cannot be used to satisfy or substitute for any requirement for an undergraduate degree (e.g., major/minor/concentration requirement, Westminster Plan requirement, required hours to graduate).

Maintaining Degree Candidacy

To maintain degree candidacy in one of Westminster’s graduate programs, students must earn grades of “B” or higher in all graduate courses. The student also must have removed any entrance deficiencies.

To change a program of a study, the student should contact the chair of the pertinent graduate program to develop a new plan of completion/program.

The chair of each graduate program will review the student’s academic record, instructor evaluations, entrance assessments, and other relevant materials. The review also will be utilized in the advising process to enhance the student’s knowledge and skills.